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AMP's Clamping System for effective Joining Performance

AMP's clamping pad system utilizes different clamping pad firmness based on moulding hardness and decorative finishes. Available in soft, medium and hard, the system provides the following application benefits.

  • Three different pads are available based on moulding hardness, contour, finishes or coatings improving joining performance
  • Replacement pads are made with a degree of elasticity conforming to the contour of the moulding improving clamping without damaging delicate surfaces
  • Color coded for easy identification - Blue (SW), Yellow (MW), Black (HW)
  • Easy field replaceable or quick change to different clamping pad depending on joining application
  • All clamping pads are interchanageable with magnetic, single and double metal pressure plates
  • Adaptable to Single or Double Hydraulic Clamping Mechanisms
  • Clamping Pad System can be used with all AMP's Frame Joining Machinery


Positive Placement Clamp

The Positive-Placement Clamp is our latest clamp attachment design to improve clamping hold by incorporating pre-drilled positioning points throughout the vertical clamp design.

It's spring-loaded pull pin locking mechanism eliminates slippage, wear on vertical road and quickly allows operators to adjust from different clamping heights without the need of consistently loosing and re-tightening handle assembly.

Used with AMP's U-200 (VNA2M200) Underpinner U-300 Underpinner (Former Model VN2+1/Minigraf 3), AMP's U-300P (VN4L) (Former Model VN4L).

For ordering, using part number 41-221.


Part Number Information
P/N Description
04-026 Blue Replacement Pad for SW
04-025 Yellow Replacement Pad for MW
04-024 Black Replacement Pad HW
04-023 Magnetic, Single Metal Pressure Plate
04-020 Single Metal Pressure Plate
04-022 Double Metal Pressure Plate
Replacement Parts & Accessories


Replacement Pad SW
Replacement Pad MW
Replacement Pad HW
Single Metal Pressure Plate
Double Metal Pressure Plate
Magnetic - Single Pressure Plate



Sales & Technical Documents
AMPClampingSellsheet7-15.png Positive Placement Clamp 2013.jpg

Clamping Pad System

Positive Placement Clamp

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